Monday, June 27, 2011


When i am a child am so excited when dark time come during the night and sleeping time, i will fixed myself and lay down on my bed  but before am  getting asleep, i will close my eyes entering to the world  of fantasy. imagination is a Freeland for me because i will do anything i want to do, i will do whatever i wanted, i am free whatever kind of life for me, i am  the star among the star, i am a super hero, i will rescue the world against darkness and evil council i will always be a winner and never be  a looser, i can be  the top1 riches person of the world, what a world
Actually through this imagination help me a lot especially on my selves, this help me to relax my mind and wash out all negative inside, it just  like that taking a bath that washes all away  dirt and stain that sticking in our body cause of  sin.daily lives is so stressful, we should have flexible and how to act and react a certain situation

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


  Other say's "what is money paper only," this line of word make me sense and laugh but what is really  the true meaning of money? what this bring on us? how do money influence to people?. They are correct money is just a paper only but it play a very important role in our life, money is like an oxygen without the presence of oxygen you cannot, live just like people without money they cannot survive.
We also consider money is our second body, but how do money affect our body? our body is affected without having money it feels like weightless and nothing at all, it just like money dictate our action and put gravity in our body ,Its to hard  to live in this world if you don't have on this that's why mostly will do anything just have on it, even if its crime,illegal and against the law just to live and sustain their daily lives. If  you are came in a rich family you are so lucky because you don't feel the feeling of being pity, you will just sit on your chair and eat all you can while others limited rice only.
They burning their selves to have eaten, you can't imagine how hard and hurt to become a poor, not only their bodies are affected but also in their psychological mind, thinking and worrying,"what will be our tomorrow?